New Media Art

Original Animated Art by Päivi Eerola - Ainutlaatuista animoitua taidetta

<< Canvas Paintings - Maalaukset kankaalle

I do 3D modeling and programming for the digital artworks.
Teen digiteoksiini 3D-mallinnusta ja ohjelmointia.

Unknown Land, a short presentation of a virtual reality artwork, 2024.

Crazy Chapel, 2024.

Ornamental Land, 2024. >> Buy as NFT at Alusta.Art!

Modern Vanitas

Generative and algorithmic series based on my 50 oil paintings from 2021-2014. Every piece of the series has a Vanitas-type still-life setting. Every piece moves and changes constantly. Programmed in Javascript P5.

Modern Vanitas, 2024. >> Buy as NFT at!

Queen of the Night, 2024. >> Buy as NFT at Alusta.Art!
Mukana Deform and re-form -näyttelyssä Oodi-kirjastossa lokakuussa 2024.

Unstill Still Life, 2024. >> Buy as NFT at Alusta.Art is Finnish National Gallery’s platform for publishing and purchasing digital art.

<< Canvas Paintings - Maalaukset kankaalle